Our Cutting Board Collection.....


Our Cutting Boards come in several sizes and styles. These first boards are edge grain boards.

 Cherry, Maple and Walnut

Edge Grain Cutting Board





Cherry Edge Grain Board
Edge Grain Cutting Board
Maple, Walnut and Cherry

Maple Edge Grain Board
Our End Grain boards are the most popular. I use several different woods to give each board a unique look. These board are 1" to 1 1/4" thick. They come in three sizes,
Small - 11" w x 8" l ($40.00)
Medium  - 11" w x 12" l ($50.00)
Large  -  11" w x 17" l ($60.00)

The board to the right uses three woods,
Maple, Cherry, Walnut.

Style 1
Maple Cherry Walnut
Maple, Cherry, Walnut
Style 1
Maple Cherry Walnut
This board features three woods
Cherry, Maple and Walnut

Style 1
Large Style 1a 
This board also uses three woods,
Maple, Walnut, Cherry,

Style 2
Maple Cherry Walnut Style 2
Maple, Cherry, Walnut

Style 2
Maple Cherry Walnut
Walnut, Cherry, Maple

Style 3
Walnut cherry maple cutting board
Maple, Cherry, Walnut
Style 1

Maple Cherry Walnut
Walnut, Maple, Cherry
Style 1
Walnut Maple Cherry
Maple, Cherry, Walnut
Style 2
Maple Cherry Walnut Style 2 Med.
Maple, Walnut, Cherry
Style 3
Maple Walnut Cherry
Medium Board
Cherry and Maple

Style 4
Maple Cherry Med
Medium Board
Walnut and Maple

Style 4
Maple and Walnut
Small Board
Maple, Walnut, Cherry

Style 1
Maple Cherry Walnut
Small Board
Maple, Cherry, Walnut

Style 2
Maple Cherry Walnut
Small board.
Walnut, Cherry, Maple

Style 3
Walnut Cherry Maple
Small Board
Maple and Cherry

Style 4
Maple Cherry

Cutting boards make great gifts for all occasions.

Boards can be custom sized for your needs.

Cutting Boards
Bread Dipping T\rays are ~6" wide and 18" long.
They come with either a clear or white dipping bowl.

Use the same care for these boards as with the cutting boards.
Bread Dipping Tray with Clear Bowl
Cherry, Maple, Walnut

Cherry Bread Dipping Tray
Clear Bowl
Cherry and Maple

Cherry Maple Bread Dipping Tray
White Bowl
Cherry and Maple

Cherry Maple Bread Dipping Tray
Clear Bowl
Maple and Walnut

Maple Walnut Bread Dipping Tray
Cheese Boards
~6" x 6"
Cherry, Maple and Walnut

Cherry Maple Walnut Cheese Board
Cheese Board
Cherry and Walnut

Cherry Walnut Cheese Board
Cheese Board
Maple, Walnut and Cherry

Maple Walnut Cherry Cheese Board
Bread/Cheese Boards
Pixxa Peels
Made with Maple, Cherry and Walnut

Pizza Peels
Maple Island Top
41" x 51" x 2"
Maple Island Top

Cutting Board Care
Wash wooden cutting boards in warm water with a mild detergent.
After washing, thoroughly dry with a towel.
Never fully immerse in water.
Never put wooden cutting boards in the dish washer.
After drying you can sanitize your wooden board by wiping down with white vinegar. Bacteria will not grow on a Wooden Cutting Board.
When your board starts to look dry, rub with Mineral Oil. Some oils like vegetable and olive oil can go rancid. Mineral oil will not give off an odor.
If you have scratches on your board, you can sand with a sander using 120 grit paper to remove the scratches and then rub with Mineral Oil.